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Author Archives: Afghan Students Association (ASA)

ASA End of the Year Formal @ University of Toronto!

May 11th, 2010 | Posted by Afghan Students Association (ASA) in Past Events - (Comments Off on ASA End of the Year Formal @ University of Toronto!)

•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★•★ ASA UofT IS HOSTING ITS BIGGEST AND BEST END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR FORMAL!!! The Afghan Students Association at the University of Toronto is proud to announce the celebration of the end of the school year held at the WILLIAM DOO AUDITORIUM at University of Toronto on Friday May 21st 2010. This is an …
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Movie Night!

February 4th, 2010 | Posted by Afghan Students Association (ASA) in Past Events - (Comments Off on Movie Night!)

ASA Movie Night! Date: Thursday February 4th 2010 Time: 5:00pm-8:00pm Location: Hart house @ the Bickersteth Room! Join The Afghan Students Association at the University of Toronto for the screening of the film “The Kite Runner”. Take this opportunity to enjoy an Afghan film among good company and friends! We can have discussions after the …
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